Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ja order nein...

so i made up this game while we were in germany... whenever i learned a new german word i would say the word and then "ja oder nein." if the word had a nice ring to it, it was a ja word. if not, it was a nein word. we were at dinner one night and there was homemade apple studel on the menu... hausgemachter apfelstrudel. hausgemachter apfelstrudel, ja order nein? JA! JA! JA! JA! resoundingly so. hausgemachter. great word. similarly, we were at dinner another night and i was talking with this fantastic guy from munich who taught me a few bavarian words and phrases, most notably, na schmarrn. na schmarrn, ja order nein? JA! JA! JA! JA!

it was a great game for remembering new german vocabulary... language is always one of my favourite parts of visiting a new place... i flirted with the idea of quitting french and finding a german tutor when i got home. but then again, without steve (my french tutor), i would never have gone on this trip. so, i guess i will stick with him.

also, i need a public access time slot for my the ja order nein show.

i would like to thank my berlin roommate danielle for humoring me with this game day in and day out! JA! JA! JA! JA!

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