Monday, November 8, 2010

most importantly...

hangin' out at the start.

i want to say thank you! thank you so, so much to everyone who has given me love, support, and energy throughout my training process... and especially thank you so much for being there yesterday. that was probably the most significant day of my life thus far, and it meant a lot to me to have you all there.

thank you ana... thank you isn't even enough to express... but i know you get it. thank you amy for being there at the end, as i hung onto your shoulder for dear life, trying not to collapse in on myself, and cried all over you. thank you michal for cheering in brooklyn and again at the finish line. thank you sara and ron... you guys are amazing. thank you ben for bringing grapes, even though i didn't get to eat them. thank you kyla and molly, even though i didn't get to see you. thank you annette and sophie for the awesome start line energy. thank you gregory for everything. thank you victoria, erica s, sophia, divya, alexis, marina, roddy, deby k, jen f.o., monroe, mimi, alexa, sue, sarah, malyika, stephanie, mom, steve, naama, deanna, erika and ryan, chiara, marco... thank you everyone for the text messages, the e-mails, the facebook love... you are all amazing and i couldn't have done that without you. much, much love.

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